Things are going great with your new guy. Y'all're spending more than and more time together, you've met all of his friends...and they like yous! You experience like he may be "The I," simply there's one thing that you experience is really holding your human relationship dorsum: yous haven't met his family. Sure, he has showed you photos of his parents, and he has told you stories about them to the betoken where you experience like you know them. But you lot don't actually know them...because your guy won't budge when it comes to making that big introduction. A bunch of reasons are floating through your head as to why he is dragging his anxiety on introducing you lot to mom and pops, but unless you ask him straight, you lot won't really know the existent reason for his hesitation. That's why nosotros came upwards with this list of mutual reasons why your guy may be keeping you a cloak-and-dagger from his 'rents.

12 He's Not Certain About Your Feelings

via: world wide web.couplescounselingchicago.cyberspace

If y'all started off the relationship wishy washy, and you've been unsure well-nigh the direction your relationship is going, your guy could exist holding off on making the big introduction until he knows y'all're actually in it for the long booty. Meeting the parents is a big bargain to well-nigh men, and then of grade, he wants to make sure you feel the same manner about him before giving y'all the proper introduction.

11 Your Relationship is Too Hot and Common cold


If your relationship is sunshine and cupcakes one calendar week, and doom and gloom the next, it'due south a sign that your love might non last the test of time. If you're stuck in a perpetual cycle of making upward and breaking up, he may feel your relationship is just too rocky for you to meet his parents. So piece of work on trying to make things more stable between the 2 of you. Open up the lines of advice, choose your battles; and when yous get into a groove of less fights and more than frequent skilful times, he may get-go to experience more comfortable about introducing yous to his parents.

10 He'southward Afraid You'll Change

A guy who only introduces his serious girlfriends to his parents will be cautious virtually introducing you if he thinks things betwixt the two of yous will change. As women, we tend to come across this introduction as a major milestone in our relationship, and nosotros can't assistance to think that wedding bells may be ringing in the about time to come. But this mode of thinking can completely alter the dynamics of a perfectly healthy relationship. He may hold off on having you run into his parents until your relationship is a lilliputian more solid.

9 They Withal Oasis't Gotten Over His Last Relationship

Many parents become attached to their kids' significant others. And if your man's parents are even so dealing with his most recent breakdown, information technology's probably not a good time for yous to exist introduced to them. Of course, once they meet you, they volition forget his ex even existed. Only perhaps your guy wants them to mentally move past his one-time flame before putting his new love involvement in the mix.

8 He Hasn't Met Your Folks Either

If he hasn't even met your parents, what makes you lot remember he wants yous to encounter his? A relationship is a 2-way street, but someone has to make the beginning move when it comes to introducing the folks. Take a serious conversation with your guy and discuss different dates where you tin can see each other's family. Maybe he was merely waiting for yous to brand the first move all along!

7 He's Planning on Breaking Upward With You lot


Sadly, many guys programme their breakups months in advance because they want to do it at the right fourth dimension. You know, right later your altogether, merely before Christmas, only non too close to Thanksgiving. As dumb as this sounds, information technology could be a major reason why he won't bother introducing you to his parents. If yous've noticed he has been tranquility lately, and is spending less and less time with you, he could exist planning his leave. I guess it'south a good affair you lot never met his parents then, right?

6 He'due south Embarrassed by Them

Non everyone'due south parents are exemplary members of order. Perhaps they're still stuck in their college years and spend their free fourth dimension drinking from a beer bong, or possibly they have eccentric personalities that he doesn't want to expose y'all to. If he feels like y'all may estimate his parents, then he's going to hold off on having you meet them until it's completely necessary. To ease his fears, let him know you will respect and take his mom and dad for who they are. Likewise, if you actually love your guy, yous will have to acquire to beloved his parents, too!

5 He'south Embarrassed past You

On the flip side, perchance your boyfriend is a footling embarrassed by you. Peradventure he's afraid your verbal diarrhea will kick in, or he's worried your chronic foot-in-mouth syndrome will land you in hot h2o. If you lot know your guy is a fiddling uneasy with ane of your nuisances, it may exist fourth dimension for you lot to piece of work on correcting the problem.

4 He Isn't Close to His Family unit

If your boyfriend isn't very shut to his family, he may not remember a proper introduction is truly necessary. So if he inappreciably talks to his parents, and hardly fifty-fifty makes time to visit them, then you probably haven't met them because it actually isn't a big bargain to him!

3 They Don't Live Close By

If y'all're guy's parents live around the corner that's ane matter, but if they live in an entirely different country, this could be the reason why you haven't met them. Traveling to see the 'rents is plush, and your guy could be saving up coin to program a trip for a contiguous introduction. If you really want to make things easy on him (and his wallet,) suggest a Skype or FaceTime introduction to break the ice.

2 He's Afraid of Their Reaction

Perchance you don't quite fit in with the type of adult female his parents thought he would end up with. And then, he keeps putting off the introduction because he doesn't desire to disappoint the people who mean the most to him. Lets confront it, our parents are sometimes our biggest critics, and if your boyfriend isn't prepared to receive a negative reaction when they run into you, he may put off the introduction for every bit long equally possible.

1 Your Relationship Isn't That Serious...Notwithstanding

You may call back you're well on your style to holy matrimony, but your guy may non experience the same style. People fall in love at unlike rates, and only because yous are ready to change your terminal proper name to his, it doesn't mean he is on the same gunkhole. When it comes to meeting the parents, maybe he wants to expect until your human relationship is a little more serious. And if that's the case, yous should experience skillful knowing that in one case you do come across his family, y'all will know that he really feels something deep for yous. You're not just whatever ol' girl to him, you just might be The One!

Next 10 Essentials For Your Capsule Cupboard

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